How : People aren't as likely to leave you a recommendation on their own. Reach out to your closest contacts first and ask if they can leave an honest recommendation or testimonial on your LinkedIn Page. Advertising Continue reading below At the same time, make sure you're regularly engaging your connections and providing lots of value. This keeps you at the forefront of their minds, so they're more likely to mention you in conversation with others or refer to content you've shared with them. Why : Receiving referrals from your network can help close deals with new prospects, as peer reviews are important signals of trust. A Nielsen study found that over 90% of consumers trust peer reviews more than any other form of advertising.
As you connect with new leads, they'll see your recommendations. These signals of trust will make them much more comfortable hair masking service doing business with you and your team. yy-4 Optimize visibility and conversions Profiles on LinkedIn are indexed by Google, so profiles of you and your team, as well as your company page, can be optimized to improve organic visibility. Including the right keywords on these pages can allow you to control additional real estate in the SERPs for branded queries and long-tail phrases. Advertising Continue reading below In addition to search optimization methods, you can tell a better brand story by improving the structure of your LinkedIn pages. How : Optimizing your LinkedIn pages goes beyond inserting keywords in hopes that your audience will find you.
I highly recommend adding rich and engaging (visual) content such as: High quality photos (focus on photos that tell a story) Videos Related articles with relevant images Case studies and white papers Infographics SlideShare presentations. Why : Optimizing your personal and business page with rich content can support both your authoritative expertise and your brand value proposition. There's a surprising number of individuals and brands that don't optimize their pages to this extent, which means it's a great way to stand out from the competition. When leads enter your funnel after visiting your LinkedIn pages, they become much warmer leads with higher chances of converting due to the content you've embedded into your pages.