As mentioned, an iron and unequivocal will to introduce these benefits in the contractual ties of the workers. In conclusion, this is how the Supreme Court has decided to once again defend the individual character of the paid leave of hourly credits of union or unitary representatives . However, the particular opinion of a magistrate who understood that the granting of hourly credits to union representatives could suppose the constitution of a right for the worker should be noted.
Thus coinciding with what had previously been determined by the National Court. Likewise, her vote was joined by four other magistrates of the High Court . With the whatsapp mobile number list resolution, for its part and resorting to what is established in article 37.3 of the Workers' Statute , the High Court has finally clarified that, when said credits are regulated, this legal provision is indisputably linked to the work activity itself.
In this way, the Supreme Court has once again reiterated its doctrine, standing firm on the impossibility of linking the right claimed by the workers to the legal regulation in the Workers' Statute. The accrual of the hourly credit of the legal union representatives during the period of their paid vacations is a controversial issue that continues to generate a strong legal debate.